_ the saint is between us: “sangennarobar 2008” has been released. / in santo è tra noi: esce “sangennarobar 2008”.
after seven unofficial issues, delivered to the friends by the genuine enthusiam...
_ usa and canada releases for joe barbieri / “in parole povere” di joe barbieri sbarca il 10 giugno negli stati uniti, e il 22 luglio in canada.
“in parole povere” doesn’t stop to tour the world: in fact the next june 10th th...
_ the joe barbieri's concert report at the blue note in milan has been published. / pubblicato il reportage del concerto di joe barbieri al blue note di milano.
the reportages and the pictures of the joe barbieri's concert at the blue note i...
_ new schedule for the joe barbieri’s live set at radio deejay / ricollocato a giovedì 1 maggio il live set di joe barbieri su radio deejay.
we’re sorry to be in late about the advising that the joe barbieri’s live set at...
_ two live-show on radio montecarlo and radio deejay for joe barbieri. / due live in diretta su radio montecarlo e radio deejay per joe barbieri.
approaching to the joe barbieri’s concert at the ‘blue note’ (milan – 25th of ap...
_ new italian concerts for joe barbieri./ nuove date italiane per joe barbieri.
new italian concerts for joe barbieri.
here is showed the official schedule...
_ the atlas of new tango / l'atlante del nuovo tango.
“sulle rive del tango” (‘on the tangoshores’) has been released.
the record...
_ the “essence” of a continent: maría y cosecha / l’essenza di un continente: maría y cosecha.
we are proud to to introduce you to one the most wonderful album of the last yea...
_ the "joe barbieri for genitin's" rome report concert has been published. / pubblicato il reportage del concerto di joe barbieri per genitin a roma.
the reportage, the video and the pictures of the "joe barbieri for genitin's" ro...
_ "in parole povere" is cd of the year in germany. word-of cd kritik. / “in parole povere” è cd dell’anno in germania. parola di cd kritik.
the german magazine cd-kritik (
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